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Monday, January 10, 2011

Truth Is...

Sorry, fellas but I have to keep it real on this one! It's a new year, so why not start it off with the honest truth! NEWS FLASH: NO WOMAN WANTS TO DEAL WITH A BROKE/ DEPENDENT MAN! Yes, some women do sometimes like to boast about being independent and not needing a man and etc..but we still yearn and melt for the same thing: a man that got his own, can take care of his own, and one that doesn't look us in the face with his hand out on payday! Now, I'm not speaking from complete experience on this one. I mean, I've had a few run-ins with some "busters" in my day. You know, the ones that don't have a car, can't keep a steady job, and doesn't have a pot to piss in if it ain't in his mama's house! Forgive me, I'm not trying to make this blog entry about "bashing men". I love men! Always have, always will. But keep in mind I did say that I was going to keep it real and understand that this doesn't pertain to ALL men! My thing is, how can you expect me to give you something as sweet as my honey-pot, when you don't even have a bed of your own for me to give it to you in?! Do some men think that deserve it off rip? Or is it that some are used to so many women giving "it" up to the point where they feel entitled? Either way, it ain't happening here. I'll be honest with you. There was a time when I had the mindset of giving it up because I wanted to. I would need that physical release (for whatever reason) & not really care about the other person's feelings. I didn't even bother to think that it may possibly change their perception of me as a woman. It was something I wanted. The thought process of "this is for me so to hell with him & his feelings" was somewhat my way of justifying the situation. But as time passed, I've noticed that having this way of thinking can be somewhat damaging. Because so many women was sharing the same mindset that I once was, most men no longer felt that they had to work for "it". Chivalry went out the window and down the fire escape! Some men felt like they just had to "show up"-- just them. No goals, no ambitions, no nothing about themselves...Just them & their "gold member". Well, I'm here to tell you, (in case you didn't know that is) that this is a new year [and being that I can only speak for myself], a new NEDRA! I regret to say that I've let some things slide in the past, but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. *insert long exhale of relief here* That being said, in order for you to step to me or any other respectable woman please have the following: 1) Your own car! I am not a chauffeur and will not be picking you up and dropping you off to your destinations. Nor will you be borrowing my car! 2) Your own place to stay. If I wanna stay the night with you, it shouldn't involve the "okay" from your Mom. 3) A secure job or career: I'm a bit traditional and though I make my own money, I like a man who can "bring home the bacon". I can't respect a man with no grind! And no d-boys, please. Been there and done that. It never lasts and there can be no real future with us down the line. AND last but not least,>>>>>>>DRUMROLL PLEASE<<<<<<< 4) An education! Now, I'm not saying that you have to be perfect-- no one is perfect, myself included. I have emotional and physical flaws just like the next person & there are still some goals that I have not yet achieved in life. All I'm saying is, if you gonna come (especially if your goal is trying to eventually make me "cum") PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE come CORRECT! And, no-- I'm not speaking about the women who like to "dig for gold" before they even give a man their first kiss or the ones that walk around with "loose lips". They're a totally different breed, so for now, I won't go there. By all means, continue to treat them as such. I'm speaking about a fair exchange. Where give and take is the understanding. The old ways/days when men wanted to prove themselves to a woman and wanted to show them how a "real man" could be before they hop in the sack. Men say that they want a woman whose independent, goes to the gym, keep their hair and nails flawless and most importantly, a woman that doesn't bitch & moan! Well, if you can ask those things of us, don't you think you should have your shit together, too?

1 comment:

  1. Soooo, just to make sure I got it right... asking for a ride to the unemployment office and to pay my metro pcs bill is NOT ok, right?? lol
