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Monday, January 10, 2011

"Envy is thin because it bites but never eats." ~Spanish Proverb

JEALOUSLY. For the life of me, I will never understand it. It was first introduced to me as a child while learning about the story of Cain and Abel. [Genesis 4: 1-8] It's a very sad, but very real emotion. One of the worst & dangerous ones out there in fact! No matter what we have, no matter what we do, no matter who we are-- there will always be that 1 person (or in some cases, more than 1) that will envy you for the things that you have. Ranging from promotions at work, to something as simple as a compliment on a pair of shoes or a nice dress. If there's a reason, trust that someone will find it! People will be jealous of you for things you can't even control at times. Your bra size, hair grade or even the color of your skin can lead to someone disliking you! Crazy, right? Again, I'll never understand it nor will I try to. I've learned that people will always have something to say, no matter what. Unfortunately, this is something that I've personally experienced my entire life. My most recent encounter was within the last month. I've recently received a promotion at work which FINALLY gives me schedule and flexibility I've always wanted. (And the rate increase isn't so bad either.) ;-) But, what I noticed was that with most, the news went well and I received well wishes from fellow family, friends & co-workers... But, as for others-- they made sure to go out their way to express that they DID NOT share my same emotion regarding my good news & recent blessings. It's quite a shame, actually. I won't go into specifics as to what was said and done. What I will say is, well-- ask is WHY? Why do some females have a problem with being happy for others? I've had females (unbeknownst to me) say that they didn't like me and when asked why (by the people that they would tell this info to), they would say, "I don't know, I just don't". Now, what does that sound like to you? To not like a person and not be able to give 1 valid reason as to why is baffling to me! It's bullshit is what it is! And, do you want to know what the sad part is? There was a time in my life ( in my childhood & adolescent years) when I actually cared about not being liked. I used to wonder why I would get eyes rolled at me and why girls would say things about me that weren't a true portrayal of me. Especially when I felt I'd given no reason for this in the first place. But then, one day I grew up. I realized that there are actually people out there that do not want to see you happy. No matter how nice you are to them, no matter what you may do for them-- they will never be happy for you. I've found that this is mainly because they see something in you that they themselves do not naturally possess. There's something you have that unfortunately, they never will. But in the words of my good friend, @FilthyMcDave -- "Take it up with Christ"!

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