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Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Wanting a man WITH money doesn't make you a gold digger. Wanting a man FOR his money makes you a gold digger." ~@Maestro

Ahhhh...*exhale of relief* Finally. Someone gets it! Someone understands that there is a difference between a woman wanting a man for his qualities & (not always) $quantity$! Now, if we could get the message across to some of the other men that have had this same misconception, we may be on to something here! My question is, why is that? Why do some men feel that a woman who desires a successful man with a nice salary,benefits, dividends, stock, etc. is a "Gold Digger"? It seems that men some have become accustomed to the "Independent Movement" that's been portrayed and empowered over the years. Yes, I do consider myself an independent female. At the same time, I also want my future boyfriend/fiance'/ 2nd husband[whoever he may be] to have the same thing. At least be in the beginning stages of working towards his success(e.g, education, internship, entry-level position,etc.). See, to me, a gold digger is someone that only takes & never gives. Nothing to contribute of their own and have no intentions AT ALL on doing so. Someone who is a always looking for a "hand-out". A female (and occasionally male) who gives up their goodies in exchange for other goods. However, someone who is seeking an indivdual who isjust as successful as they are, wanting to build a foundation and a loving partnership-- with suitable monetary security is not a gold digger, There's still bacon to be brought home people!m =)

Happy Valentines Day-- I think?

In the recently spoken and (somewhat) off-color words of Rhianna, I figured that the above picture was only appropriate given today's special occasion. By some, this was the attitude that was being spread across my social networking pages by fellow Twitter followers and Face Book friends worldwide! What I wanna know is, what happened? Why the bitterness? Just because you don't have a valentine doesn't mean that you should go shitting on those that do! And who said that Valentine's Day could only be enjoyed with your mate of the opposite (or for some, the same) sex? There are sooooo many other ways that you could enjoy the day! Spend time with family by treating them to a nice breakfast or dinner! Take your kids out & play! Or, (as I've done before) make it a "girls' day" with your closest female friends! Go speed dating & get a kick out the laughs that you will(FOR SURE)get!<---- (and don't ask me how I know about it!) Whatever you do, don't get upset with those that have someone to call their own or spend the day with. Your time will come, if you let it--trust me.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The show WILL go on...But NOT for me!

Now that I've approached the lovely age of 26, I've come to realize that the club scene is NO LONGER for me. I'm definately not against those that still choose to patron at these local spots. I'm just saying that for ME, the curtain has closed. I believe that over the years ,I've grown tired of the "approach". The men that have approaced me(and not all, but some)have not been the type that I would want to take home to my parents! I mean,trying to get my attention with the "cat calls" (i.e Redd, Shawty, Lil'Mama, and "PINK" <-- or whatever color I'm wearing at the time) is an immediate turn-off! Grown women should be treated with the upmost respect at ALL times! Keep in mind, I said WOMEN-- I'm not speaking about little girls whose eyes still gleam with they see a set of 24's driving down I-75. Again, I'm not saying all men are like this. I'm just saying that for ME, these are the type of women that men are used to meeting in clubs. The kind that are preoccupied with themselves and their material belongings. When they have no success with me using the same pick-up line that usually gets them to second-base with the next chick, things sometimes tend to get--ugly. And don't get me started on the ones that love to babysit us because they bought us a drink on $2.00 Tuesday! You know the ones, they buy you a drink and then what started off as small talk, then becomes "This nigga is holding me hostage!" Then there are the ones that loooove to sneak, stand, or jump behind us while we're dancing! We want so badly to tell them, "Ugh, um sir, can I do me with just me please!" I do sometimes miss the ever so interesting & entertaining atmosphere of nightclubs, but I think I'll stay away for a while. Maybe venture into a couple of "Grown folks" spots where the men still believe in courting a woman. Men, we love you, adore you, and we DO want you. But please, give a girl her space!